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Our first news of the year and our first new car


First proper news of the year, and our first bit of news: The Ford C100 is done and on the website, we think it looks very good. Next week the Jaguar XJR5 Le Mans will follow. Two Le Mans cars to start the year, not bad. 

We have also been working on a little side project. We have been developing some small dioramas to show off your lovely GTM slot cars. We have a few different types underway, first is an inlay that will fit inside a clear showcase. We have 5 different designs for this one at present, from cobbled roads to dried up river beds. They can also be used without the showcase. Second, a larger version which should be ready in a week or two.

I have also been working on another oldy, not quite an edwardian but it will be under that banner for simplicities sake. A model T speedster that was very popular in the USA in the 1920s. We have a few different designs based on old photos from the time but we have had a bit of fun and used some license. More details to come later but they do look great. 

Our next 1/24 kit will be a reworked Mini with a new 3D sidewinder chassis. Just got to sort out a bit of artwork. After that our 2 Porsche 356s, the Coupe is nearly there and the roadster a few weeks behind it. 

We have also started implementing our new clear headlight lenses. These use 3D printed parts that make it much more feasible to include them in the cars so where possible they will be used in our existing kits. We have also incorporated a hole in the rear of the bezel to aid in adding your own lighting systems. 


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01702 600590