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New kits and decisions for running gear


At last the 1.24th Porsche 356 and the 1.32nd XJR5 1984 Le Mans cars are up on the car page and ready for all of you to purchase. 
Now I need to get on and finish the Porsche speedster version. Just a bit to do and it should be done in a few days. 

Now as mentioned the other day we are thinking about running gear. What we have been thinking is including the option for both a full running gear set and a static running gear set. The static just having the parts to make a static model. This will give you the option for making a running slot car or a display model. We would like to know what people think about this?

Once we have the system in place to offer this we will start updating the product listings on the shop website to provide the option. This appear in a similar way to where you select if you want wheel inserts etc. Hopefully this will make things considerably more convenient. As mentioned though, we will not be able to offer anything cheaper than Pendle and it will take us time to acquire and prepare the additional parts. 

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01702 600590