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First club meeting on our track

14-11-14 At last we have had our first club meeting on our track and I think it went pretty well. We raced Mini-24s and SlotIt Group C cars. In the Mini races we had 12 racing and I cam 3rd which I though was not bad considering I have not raced since the 60s. It was carnage though, lots of broken bodies. I need to start making the bodies out of lexan of I can find some. I think I might have had a slight home advantage though. SlotIt Group C cars are great to race and they look colourful. They are standard cars apart from changing the guides and putting N22 tyres on the rear (glued and trued). Unfortunately our computer had a hissy fit and we lost the results, but my silk cut Jag was doing pretty well. It will be interesting to see if anyone turns up to race this week. Ok back to work. The Nurburgring 1000k Chap 2D is finished and will be on the car page in a couple of days. Got one painted up but not quite finished it yet, but it does looks good. It has a few subtle differences to the LM cars, so it has a new body moulding. The 1957 Maserati 250F is underway and is coming on well. Strangely it looks a little different from the Scalex version. Mine is a lot more Chunky, the 250F was quite bulky around the middle. With a bit of luck it should be on its wheels next week. One never knows it might even be available before Christmas. Hang on thats only a few weeks away. Strangely enough I do actually enjoy Christmas, apart from all the drunk people. I get drunk all year round apart from Christmas when you cant get served because of all the Amateurs at the bar at their Christmas parties. If they practiced all year round they wouldnt be throwing up by 8.30. Christmas also means cleaning the workshop, even if it doesnt need it. We sweep the mill and lathe down and even oil them up abit. Speaking of cleaning I do not understand cleaning cars (the big proper ones that people fit in, not the little ones that I make). Last Sunday poeple were queuing outside a car wash, bonkers. I have had my present car 7 years and have not washed it once, washing them is boring. And climate change makes it rain heavier and more often anyway so problem solved. I probably would not be saying this if my car was a 390 Mustang but oh well.

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