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Bored, bored, bored

31-10-14 Bored, bored, bored. And I still have two days left of making silicon moulds, but Ho Hum I guess I am still very lucky to be doing a job I love. Mind you I didnt think that at the begining of the week, has a stinking cold (and no I didnt have any time off because I didnt feel very well). I did manage to make it to the pub Tuesday evening and it is amazing, the healing power of beer. The more I drank the better I felt and the next morning my cold had gone. I did still feel bad though, funny that after having a few pints. Why is it some people only have to sniff and they have the "flu". That isnt the flu, I had it once and it took six weeks to get back to normal. Rule of thumb, if it is physically impossible for you to get out of bed, then thats the flu. Right back to Slot cars. The Chap 2D is finished at last and I am quite pleased with it. It all seems to fit and looks great on the track. Now someone has already mentioned that it hasnt got tape over the headlights. This is because, believe it or not, they took the tape off when it got dark and the car didnt retire until after it got dark. We have started the mods for the Nurburgring 1000k winning car and also the Daytona car (well I couldnt just make moulds all week, I would go bonkers). It is surprising the number of changes made to the 2D from Nurburgring to Le Mans. The Nurb car has a bigger rear spoiler which was adjusted to different heights during the race. The mirrors and headlight arrangement were also changed. The Daytona car is very different again but more on that another day. The wheel inserts are done and are now on the accessory page, they are made to fit Slot it 16.5x8 wheels as those are the ones I wanted on my car. We have also managed to mould the Bullfrog so I will be getting one painted and on the car page next week. Next Thursday evening we are going to have our first club night. Everyone is welcome but if you are reading this in Canada or Australia dont feel pressured, I know it might be abit tricky to get here by next week haha. Next week I will able to get on with a new prototype, still not sure which one it will be. More news on that soon.

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